- You can see our current service area on the map below
- The service area is limited in the north a little bit beyond "Ring 3"
- Whereas in the past a trip south of the river Elbe was not possible, we also operating in Wilhelmsburg since 2023
- To the west we integrated parts of Schnelsen, Lurup and Osdorf
- Eastward restrictions are Rahlstedt, Jenfeld und Billstedt
- You can download a complete list of the districts at the end of the article
- This means that we serve around two-thirds of Hamburg's residential area and are available to around 1.3 million people
- To get a closer view on the service area and our funding areas just have a look in our app or on the map pictured on our website. Here you can zoom in and out to get an overview or, if necessary, view specific streets. Click on the picture below to get there